Willem Esterhuyse is head of engineering at the South African Radio Astronomy Observatory (SARAO). Esterhuyse says he got involved in civil service when he started working on the Southern African Large Telescope. He later joined the SARAO, where he’s in charge of the engineering team responsible for the MeerKAT and SKA radio telescopes. He’s also involved in the National Ventilator Project.
“I got involved in all these projects because I wanted to add value and have a positive impact on society. These projects satisfied my engineering and technical aspirations”. He says the SARAO has a strong focus on training and development, something South Africa needs.
“It warms my heart when I see how people grow because it gives me hope for the country and tomorrow. [The telescopes] have certainly changed global perceptions about South Africa in academic, scientific and astrology circles.
He says going the extra mile is non-negotiable for him: “If you add your name and your country’s name to a product like a radio telescope, it has to be of the best quality. A reputation takes a lifetime to build and a moment to destroy.”
“It warms my heart when I see how people grow because it gives me hope for the country and tomorrow.”